World’s Largest Super Bowl Pizza Event

Wow – now that’s a lot of pizza!
Enough Chicago Style Deep Dish Pizza and Stuffed Pizza to feed 30,000 servicemen and women, provided at-cost by The Original Gino’s East of Chicago and Edwardo’s Natural Pizza, along with 7,000 bottles of high protein Athlete’s Honey Milk provided by America’s Dairy Farmers, will be headed for several bases throughout Iraq in time for Super Bowl events. Dairy farmers also are providing 500 footballs to support the impromptu games at the bases.

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Our Animals are Our Livelihoods

David Brand Operates Brand Dairy Farm with his family in Northeast Indiana. They milk just over 300 registered holsteins and raise all of their replacements as well as feeder cattle. You can follow their day to day farm operations on Twitter at @BrandFarms and on Facebook at Brand Dairy Farm

David enjoying time with his family

 Last night there was an investigative TV report focused on dairy farming and where you milk comes from. The media and activist groups use isolated incidents to create a sense of a larger problem then there really is. The problem is that the rest of the story is never told.

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Are You Ready for Super Bowl XLIV?

Super Bowl XLIV is the perfect time to gather with family and friends, and it is a great way to catch up and have fun. The guys may be glued to the game on TV, but most gals I know use the time to chat, catch up, and spend some quality time with friends. It is rare that you can see everyone socially during the holidays because of crazy schedules, so use this time to your advantage.

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Healthy Weight Week 2010!

Eating nutrient-rich foods such as these will help you maintain a healthy weight.

The 17th annual Healthy Weight Week (1/17 – 1/23) is a time to celebrate healthy living habits that last a lifetime and prevent eating and weight problems, rather than intensifying them, as diets do.

Traditionally, many Americans begin a diet the first week in January and “blow” it the second week. Healthy Weight Week, the third week, is a time to stop dieting for good and help people normalize their lives. It’s a welcome change to the dieting and bingeing that typically begin the New Year!

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Dave Forgey and Scott Foerg partners of River-View Farm checking a pasture at their dairy farm

 Dave Forgey operates River-View Farm in Cass County along with his wife Helen and partners Scott and Darla Foerg. Dave is active in social media, you can follow him on Twitter @GrassCow.

I just returned home for the Indiana Livestock, Forage & Grain Forum. Upon checking my email I had received a forwarded message from our daughter who farms with her family over 150 miles south of our farm. The forward was titled “Value”. I will admit after many years of receiving forwarded messages I frequently hit the delete button and never open them. But since our daughter seldom sends anything but personal messages I knew it was something she felt was important.

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How would you like free groceries for a year?

The Kuehnert Family on their dairy farm.

Whoever said there’s no such thing as a free lunch has never met Indiana’s farmers! In fact, they will be offering the chance for all Indiana residents to win a free breakfast, lunch and dinner by way of free groceries– for an entire year!

Beginning today, Indiana residents can register for two grand prizes of “FreeGroceries for a Year!”* courtesy of Indiana’s farmers, at Upon visiting the site, consumers just register by “meeting an Indiana farmer” through a short video that shows how they produce safe, nutritious and affordable food. Consumers can register with each of the eight featured farmers daily through April 11, the end of the 90-day program.

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New Trends of 2010!

Trends are announced each year and some are great while others are simply a flash in the pan.  Dairy farmers are not a trend, but they work hard every single day to bring great wholesome products to our grocery shelves.  2009 was a struggle for dairy producers. Prices of milk were low, but just like children, the dairy cows still needed to be fed and cared for, the farms still needed to be farmed and the equipment still had to work.  Dairy farmers are a resilient group of folks and they develop products that are more delicious and desirable each year.  So, I wanted to highlight a few of those newly developed and delicious products.