International Picnic Day

Enjoy family, food and fun outdoors with a picnic this summer!

Today is International Picnic Day! So dust off the baskets, grab the  blankets or chairs, and grab a bottle of wine, lemonade or something cold to drink and go! Picnics date back to Medieval hunting feasts and informal outdoor banquets of the social and wealthy. Picnic, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, is an outing or occasion that involves taking a packed meal to eat outdoors. It is believed that originally a picnic was similar to a potluck, where each person present would bring a specific dish. The exact moment when picnic went from meaning everyone bring food, to everyone eat outdoors is unknown. Not only is the food consumed during the picnic important but the spirit and celebration of dining outdoors that makes it special.

Here are some quick tips to make your picnic experience go smoothly:

  • Pack your picnic basket with what you need 1st on top such as a tablecloth or silverware on top.
  • Keep cold food cold and warm food warm to prevent spoiling. Don’t place warm food in your cooler. Wrap the dish in towels.
  • Store any uncooked food (if you are grilling) separately from cooked, prepared food.
  • Place your food in zippered baggies and then on top of the ice in your cooler. This keeps food from getting wet once your ice starts melting

Remember, a cooler is indispensable for keeping food fresh. If you use freezer packs, don’t forget to add a bag of ice. The cubes not only keep the cooler chilled, they can be popped into drinks later.

Get out of the ham sandwich rut and try a relaxed picnic menu. Have kid-friendly foods so that it is simple and easy to assemble! Bake chicken fingers a day ahead and chill. Slide each one onto a wooden skewer, wrap in a bunch and chill. Don’t forget to pack a small container of ketchup or honey-mustard for dipping. Kids love the fun of eating off the sticks! Put veggies, cheese and/or fruit on the sticks to make a variety of kabobs.

Activities are an important part of any fun picnic. Sack races, treasure hunts, baseball or Frisbee, all require minimal equipment and will provide fun for every family member. These activities also help get your 60 minutes of physical activity in that you need a day!

Picnics aren’t only for summertime. Simple picnic ideas include having a winter picnic. Go for a hike through the forest and bring along hot soup or hot chocolate in an insulated flask or thermos. Bring sleds and scoot down nearby hills or engage the kids in a snowball fight. Winter picnics can be just as much fun as those held in the summer.

Whether you hold your picnic in the winter or summer, or if your event includes kids or just adults, simple picnic ideas are plentiful and fun to come up with. Be creative and most of all have fun.

One Response

  1. […] And it’s on the list of things to do with my toddler. So I say it again, picnic! Soon!  Photo by indianadairy Beach!! Who doesn’t love the […]

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